舉辦時間 2013年11月至2014年3月 舉辦地點 上海當代藝術博物館 主辦單位 上海市文學藝術界聯合會 上海市文化廣播影視管理局 承辦單位 上海市創意設計工作者協會 上海當代藝術博物館 November 2013– March 2014 VENUE Power Station of Art HOST Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles Shanghai Municipal Administration of CultureRadioFilm&TV OR
舉辦時間 2013年11月至2014年3月
舉辦地點 上海當代藝術博物館
主辦單位 上海市文學藝術界聯合會 上海市文化廣播影視管理局
承辦單位 上海市創意設計工作者協會 上海當代藝術博物館
November 2013– March 2014
Power Station of Art
Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Shanghai Municipal Administration of CultureRadioFilm&TV
Shanghai Designers Association
Power Station of Art
展覽自2000年創辦,每兩年舉辦一屆,至今已成功舉辦了六屆,旨在推動上海創意設計發展,培育具有創新開拓精 神的設計師,打造具有上海城市特色的文化品牌項目,已成為上海文化藝術領域具有極大專業影響力的品牌活動之 一。2011年第六屆展覽由上海市文聯主辦,上海市創意設計工作者協會承辦,展示和推出了一批優秀設計師和創意 設計理念,也為打造國際級專業獎項——“上海設計獎”打下基礎。為進一步建設上海國際文化大都市,推動文化大 發展大繁榮,2013年展覽更名為“上海藝術設計展SHANGHAI DESIGN EXHIBITION”,將面向國內外設計師, 致力于打造具有專業性、創新性、引領性的當代藝術設計雙年展。
This biannual exhibition was first founded in 2000 and has been successfully held by six sessions. With the purpose to stimulate development of Shanghai’s creative design, cultivate designers with pioneering spirit as well as build a cultural brand project with urban characteristics,the exhibition has already become one of the most influential events in Shanghai’s culture life. The sixth exhibition was hosted by Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and organized by Shanghai Designers Association, it showcased a series of excellent design ideas from our outstanding designers and meanwhile layed a foundation for the “Shanghai Design Award”.2013 Shanghai Design Exhibition will be open to designers home and abroad to bring to us a professional, pioneering and innovative art design biannual.
設計引領創意生活 Design lead to Creative life
美學建構理想城市 Aesthetics construct ideal city
城市化是人類當代文化的新階段,今日世界各國無不以追求或完善“城市化”作為主要目標。在影響城市發展的諸種 因素中,“設計”是最重要的中介物之一。設計不僅通過“物”的大眾消費改變日常生活,同時也通過“物體系”建 立起行為的社會機制,影響了城市的面貌和品格。
本屆展覽以“美學城市Aesthetics City”為主題,旨在提倡“設計引領創意生活,美學建構理想城市”的美好愿 景。“美學”是城市和設計之間最具特色的思想紐帶,“美學城市”以批評和探索的角度思考城市化進程中經歷的城 市化、郊區城市化、逆城市化、再城市化過程所出現的問題,通過“設計”探索人與自然和諧、城鄉共榮的城市化模 式。展覽將從多方面具有創新和啟迪意義的案例展示,呈現給市民和觀眾一種新的設計和生活理念,從而推動上海以 至全國的藝術設計和創意產業的發展。
Urbanization is the new stage of contemporary culture. Pursuing and improving urbanization has become one of the main purposes of countries in the world. Design is an important element that will effect city’s development. Design can change people’s life through daily consumption, affect social behavior and city’s characters.
The exhibition titled Aesthetics City aims at promoting the idea about a promising future, that is, design brings creativity to life while an ideal city is built upon aesthetics. A city shares an intellectual bond with design which is Aesthetics. Aesthetics City discusses the problems resulting from the modernization from the perspectives of both critics and developers and meanwhile explores a way of modernization through design which makes human and nature, cities and countries exist in harmony. The exhibition will present several cases of creativity and inspiration in various aspects to show the brand new concept of design and lifestyle so that Shanghai and even China will witness a huge breakthrough in the design and creativity industry.
專題展 (Special Exhibition)
將通過設計與下列關系來展開:思想、行為與城市性格;城市規劃、建筑風貌(舊城改造;歷史建筑的再生性保 護);社區、街道生活、公共景觀;居住、生活用具、娛樂、時尚;交互、數字化生存,交通、網絡城市;進城與出 城(城與鄉、城中村);公共生活與公共藝術“城市藝術家”、創意產業園等。
This part will through the design and the following relationship to exhibit:Idea, behavior and city’s character; urban planning,architecture (transformation of the old city, historical building’s protection); community, street, public landscape; living, household items,entertainment, fashion; interaction, digital life, transportation, network city; into the city and out of city (city and countryside, village in the city); public life and public art;city artists, creative industry park.
邀請展 (Invitational Exhibition)
將通過設計學院的城市觀察(世界多所設計學院的城市設計作業及工作坊)、時尚城市(品牌與大眾文化消費)、城 市設計案例、創意鏈接(設計師、設計產品交流)、提名設計師獎作品展等方面來組織作品。
This part will through the following aspects to exhibit: City’s observation from design colleges (urban design art works and workshops from 12 famous design colleges in the world);Fashion City(Brand and Public Culture Consumer);City examples (Germany, UK, Italy and so on); Creative Links( Designer、 Design products exchange) ; Nominate Designer Award Exhibition.
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