Information or Content Make sure that your information is clear and easy to understand. Split things up into paragraphs or sections. Don’t make your page too long and avoid lots of text. If your content is very long, split into 2 or 3 pages. Note that people don’t read but they skim it.
Link Organize your links to be easy for understanding. Try to have a menu to go to other parts of your website in every pages. Don’t make your visitors click on Back Button. Also it’s look good, if you have a link to the top of page like "Go to Top". Also avoid of the broken link.
Logo Design your logo to match your website. Make your logo easy to remember and prominent.
Color of Backgrounds and Text A good background is not only a white page but also other colour. Be careful to choose a background and text color that is not overpowering to the eyes. Note that it must be readable.
Community People will like your website if there is something to do on your website. Add something like vote, forum or guest book etc.